MilleniumIndia is a Auto Products Cables Providers. It was founded in 2010 is auto products manufacturing company. We at MilleniumIndia Auto Products, Commited to deliver reliable Products through proven process at resonable cost. Beginning with small amount capacities for manufacturing of auto products cables and that time our start manufacturing all kinds of auto products cables. MilleniumIndia Provide all type of High Quality manufacturer of Power Auto Cables and Cable Services. High export to domestic sale ratio.
We are MilleniumIndia Auto products commited to deliver reliable products through proven process at resonable cost
Crimp Height Monitoring/ Pull load testing . As per the standardisation of applicator. Hourly basis, start and end of each batch. Patroling inspation for process flow. 100% continuity testing of wiring harness.
Inward inspaction. In process quality checks. On line pre-control chart. Visual and dimansionaly checking. Process validation - All production processes. Packing validation. Doc Audit.
Fully Automatic Cutting and Crimping machine
Automatic Push Pull Tester(crimp load tester)
Semi Automatic crimping machine with CFA
YP Machine